Coordinated by Sarah Andrieu, Alice Godfroy and Joëlle Vellet, University Cote d’Azur, CTEL, UFR LASH – Department of Arts – Dance Section of the UNS, MSHS Sud-Est.
In partnership with CN D Centre national de la danse et le Festival de Danse de Cannes – Côte d’Azur France, and with the support of aCD.
The knowledge of dancers when they perform beyond the body’s movement, is preferably passed on by word of mouth. Those concerned use fitness methods that seek to have the specific nature of this little-broadcast knowledge brought forth, orally. What relational techniques can be used to have the resources involved spoken about? What should be the fate of the infra-verbal equipment (eloquence of silence, posture, gestures) that accompanies the dancers’ words? Bringing together researchers and artists, this “colloquium-workshop” will question various fitness practices while bringing to light, directly through interviews, the performance and efficiency of the dialogical word.
Espace Miramar – 35 Rue Pasteur (Cannes)
Entrée libre dans la limite des places disponibles
from 13h30 to 18h30 | Espace Miramar (Cannes)
from 9h30 to 18h00 | Espace Miramar (Cannes)
from 9h00 to 13h00 | Espace Miramar (Cannes)
1, boulevard de la Croisette
06400 Cannes
Hôtel JW Marriott
50 boulevard de la Croisette
06414 Cannes
25 Avenue Francis Tonner
06150 Cannes
35 Rue Pasteur
06400 Cannes
26 Avenue des Arlucs
06400 Cannes
260 Avenue Jules Grec
06600 Antibes
Salle Les Franciscains
6 place Saint François
06300 Nice
5 boulevard de la Colle Belle
06510 Carros
2 Avenue Maximin Isnard
06130 Grasse
55 Chemin de Faissole
06250 Mougins
Boulevard Georges Clemenceau
83300 Draguignan
83 boulevard de la mer 83600 Fréjus
Festival de Danse de Cannes
Ticketing Palais des Festivals
(access via Office du Tourisme)
Esplanade G.Pompidou – 06400 Cannes
E-mail :
Phone : +33(0)4 92 98 62 77
© 2019 festival de Danse de Cannes