Une éphémère éternité
Creation 2023
Performance for 9 dancers
Concept, choreography, set design: Michel Kelemenis
Dancers: Gaël Alamargot, Max Gomard, Claire Indaburu, Anthony La Rosa, Hannah Le Mesle, Marie Pastorelli, Anthony Roques, Mattéo Trutat, Valéria Vellei
Music: Jean-Sébastien Bach
Original music: Angelos Liaros Copola
Costumes : Camille Penager
Lighting design: Jean-Bastien Nehr
Realization scenography: Pierre Baudin & Cyril Casano
Space, sound and stage manager: Jean-Charles Lombard
Lights: Jean-Bastien Nehr
Technical light: Jade Rieusset

In close dialogue with a major work of the musical repertoire, with which he is intimately familiar, Michel Kelemenis pays a choral tribute to dance and dancers.
Once upon a time, the marvellous discovery of Johann Sebastian Bach’s immense Magnificat was a core moment in the young Michel Kelemenis’ upbringing. During the greyness of lockdowns, where his only happy moments were those spent in the company of dancers, the memory of this “breath of intense joy” came back to him. Then, the desire to superimpose these two moments of happiness was born, choreographing the German composer’s score for nine performers. MAGNIFIQUES is an ode to youth and an invitation to life. It is also a call to throw open our windows and welcome in another tomorrow. The attitudes and aesthetic transformations of a generation determined to free itself from all expectations, whether gender, identity or social, respond to the baroque audacity of a score enriched by the electro compositions of Angelos Liaros Copola, a figure of the Berlin scene. Alternating between solos and ensembles, the dancers become the artisans of an exhilarating collective mosaic. Their movements, like the notes, have all the grace of blossoming, as well as that of invention and self-reinvention. They open up the space, then fade away as soon as they are drawn, in an ephemeral eternity.
Michel Kelemenis
As a dancer, most notably at the Montpellier CCN with Dominique Bagouet, he founded his company Kelemenis&cie in 1987 and is, to date, the author of around 60 choreographies, between abstraction and figuration, often related to current themes. Based in Marseille, Michel Kelemenis has been directing the KLAP Maison pour la Danse since 2011. This creative space, driven by his initiative, works to support authors and companies, offer up an educational and artistic sharing, and foster cooperation and choreographic culture.
Production: Kelemenis&cie
Residence for stage and lights: KLAP Maison pour la danse à Marseille
Coproducer: Grand Théâtre de Provence – Aix-en-Provence ; Théâtre Durance – Château-Arnoux-Saint-Auban ; Théâtre Molière – Sète – scène nationale archipel de Thau ; Les Hivernales – CDCN d’Avignon ; TROIS C-L – Centre de Création Chorégraphique Luxembourgeois ; Châteauvallon – scène nationale ; Maison des Arts du Léman – Thonon-les-Bains ; Scène 55, scène conventionnée art et création – Mougins.