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Creation 2019 – First in region – 9 dancers and 4 musicians
Choreography : Chantal Loïal
Assistant choreographer : Delphine Bachacou
Performers : Chantal Loïal, Nita Alphonso, Stéphanie Jardin, Delphine Bachacou, Sandra Sainte Rose, Régis Tsoumbou Bakana, Léo Lorenzo, Diego Dolciami, Mario Pounde
Artistic Collaboration : Sabine Novel
Musicians : Gaëlle Amour, Marion Buisset, Yann Villageois, Igo Drane
Composition : Damien Groleau, Didier Léglise, Gaëlle Amour
Concept : Olivier Defrocourt
Costume : Marine Provent,
Assistant : Gwendolyn Boudon
Vidéo : Yutaka Takei et Christian Forêt
Lighting design : Paul Argis
Sound direction : Théo Errichiello
Light direction : Paul Argis
The famous performer from Montalvo-Hervieu and the Ballets C de la B, Chantal Loïal will soon have celebrated 25 years as a choreographer. Cercle égal demi Cercle au Carré represents three years of research, work and multiple journeys between the West Indies, Guiana and Europe. Far from being a mathematical formula, the title is first and foremost choreographical, as it designates the forms from square dance and other social dance at the heart of this ambitious creation for 9 dancers and 4 musicians. The choreographer, who is originally from Guadeloupe, intends to reinterpret in her own way this court dance imported in the 18th century by colonialists to the West Indies and Guiana where, re-appropriated by the slaves, it formed the origin of Creole dance. Furthermore, everything starts with an exhibition of this Creole-style dance with four, literally captivating, traditional couples. A sort of imposed dance, which responds to “commands” before being deployed in a multitude of free variations anchored in the urban dances of the here and now. Square dance, Boulangère, Haute-taille and Beguine are supported by performers from Hip-hop, Krump, Ragga, Voguing… and musicians as at ease with traditional music as with electro. Chantal Loïal, with her company Difé Kako, dusts off century-old dances, in a fabric and weave that is every bit as good as Madras cotton; colourful squares of ornate fabric that punctuate the show’s costumes. Joyous and sparkling, Cercle égal demi Cercle au Carré is a précis of this crossover West Indian culture that combines song, music, prose and dance with lightness and unequalled finesse.
Chantal Loïal is generosity incarnate. With this piece she makes us feel this in particular by evoking these traditional dances that are dear to her and by uniting them with her own choreography. She left a mark on the public as part of the Montalvo-Hervieu company, asserted herself as a choreographer, but also as a woman and a representative of a culture and a dancing tradition.
Chantal Loïal, born in Pointe-à-Pitre in Guadeloupe, learned the traditional dance of the West Indies. In 1977, she discovered African dance in Paris. She joined African ballets, such as Lokolé and Lemba in the Congo, the Georges Momboye company in the Côte d’Ivoire, and then she accompanied singers and groups from West Africa, such as Tchico Tchikaya and Kanda Bongo Man. She was noticed as a performer in Paradis by José Montalvo and Dominique Hervieu, before creating her own company Difé Kako in 1994. She claims her Creole identity and campaigns for a mixed choreography. While proceeding to broadcast her shows, Chantal Loïal has continued to work with the ballets C de la B from 2008 as well as with the Montalvo-Hervieu company. Today, she is fully devoted to Difé Kako and to the Kreyol Month Festival, created in 2017.
Legals mentions
Production : Compagnie Difé Kako
Avec le soutien : Du Ministère des Outre-Mer, du FEAC, des Directions des Affaires Culturelles de Guyane, Martinique et Guadeloupe, de la DRAC Ile de France, de la Caisse des dépôts Antilles-Guyane, du Conseil Général de la Guadeloupe, du DIECFOM, de la Collectivité Territoriale de Martinique (CTM), de la Collectivité Territoriale de Guyane (CTG), du Conseil régional de la Guadeloupe, de la Direction des Affaires Culturelles de la Ville de Paris, de l’Adami
Coproduction : Festival Suresnes Cités Danse / Théâtre de Suresnes Jean Vilar, Anis Gras – le lieu de l’autre, Scène Nationale Tropiques Atrium (Fort-de-France) – Martinique, Centre Chorégraphique National de Créteil et du Val de Marne / Compagnie Käfig – Direction Mourad Merzouki, Touka Danses CDCN – Guyane
Accueil studio : Conservatoire Maurice Ravel, Mairie du 13e arrondissement de Paris, CND – Centre National de la Danse, Carreau du Temple, Micadanses, FGO-Barbara, la Scène Nationale l’Artchipel (Basse-Terre) – Guadeloupe, Centre culturel Sonis (Les Abymes) – Guadeloupe, Centre Culturel Robert Loyson – Guadeloupe, Habitation de La Ramée (Sainte Rose) – Guadeloupe, MA – Guadeloupe.
Remerciements pour leur collaboration : Association Wapa, Fédération des Associations de Musiques et Danses Traditionnelles au Tambour Créole Guyanais, Association Madie et Kera, L’Amicale antillaise de Roissy-en-Brie, Association Quadrilles et Polkas, Association Ame des Roses à Sainte Rose, Association Soleil du Sud à Baillif, Association Trait d’Union à Vieux Habitants, Association Les amis de Fort L’Olive à Vieux Fort, Monsieur David Kathile, Tamboubokanal et Monsieur Raphaël Pacquit, Ensemble Musical et Folklorique d’Hirsingue, An Avan Haute Taille et Otantik du François Perriolat, Wot tay an tan lontan et Tradision péyi nou du Morne-Pitault
1, boulevard de la Croisette
06400 Cannes
Hôtel JW Marriott
50 boulevard de la Croisette
06414 Cannes
25 Avenue Francis Tonner
06150 Cannes
35 Rue Pasteur
06400 Cannes
26 Avenue des Arlucs
06400 Cannes
260 Avenue Jules Grec
06600 Antibes
Salle Les Franciscains
6 place Saint François
06300 Nice
5 boulevard de la Colle Belle
06510 Carros
2 Avenue Maximin Isnard
06130 Grasse
55 Chemin de Faissole
06250 Mougins
Boulevard Georges Clemenceau
83300 Draguignan
83 boulevard de la mer 83600 Fréjus
Festival de Danse de Cannes
Ticketing Palais des Festivals
(access via Office du Tourisme)
Esplanade G.Pompidou – 06400 Cannes
E-mail : rpublic@palaisdesfestivals.com
Phone : +33(0)4 92 98 62 77
© 2019 festival de Danse de Cannes