In Situ
Creation 2023
Performance 4 dancers
Choreography: Jann Gallois
Dancers: Juliette Bolzer, José Meireles, Serena Pedrotti, Erwan Tallonneau alias Bboy R-One
Music: Charles Amblard
Costumes: Jann Gallois
Regard complice : Frédéric Le Van & Laureline Richard

This show, offered to all, is presented in the public space of Cannes. In a generous and stimulating closeness with passers-by, rediscovering the joy of being together.
Thanks to their great originality and sensitivity, each of Jann Gallois’ pieces hit the mark – and this eleventh opus is no exception. This artist, introduced to hip-hop dance in the streets as a teenager, returned to the roots of her art after long months of isolation due to the pandemic. She has created In Situ as close as possible to her audience, in this public space where – long before the existence of dedicated venues – the first forms of representation were born. The goal? To bring a suspended moment that breaks the routine of everyday life to the people, where they are. The piece, designed to be visible to all, unfolds in interaction with its specific environment. Imposing one’s presence outside of the marked spaces of the theatre stage, creating the balance between place, movement and perception, however, must involve the usual components of creation. To the music of Charles Amblard, dancers invite us to reconnect with “being together”, while awakening a joy that burns within each of us.
Jann Gallois
Since her first solo P=mg in 2013, the winner of multiple awards, Jann Gallois has distinguished herself with a choreographic writing nourished by hip-hop, contemporary dance and a constant concern for innovation, in both her forms and in the themes addressed. With her company BurnOut, founded in 2012, she has choreographed a dozen pieces, including the recent releases Mandala (2021) and Imperfecto (2022). She is currently an associate artist at the Théâtre du Beauvaisis, Scène nationale de Beauvais, the Maison des arts de Créteil and L’Envolée – Pôle Régional Culturel du Val Briard.
Produced by Cie BurnOut
Coproduction MAC – Maison des Arts et de la Culture de Créteil – Théâtre du Beauvaisis – scène nationale de Beauvais – L’Envolée – Pôle Régional Culturel du Val Briard – Le Cratère – scène nationale d’Alès – La Comédie – scène nationale de Clermont-Ferrand – Le Phare – Centre chorégraphique national du Havre Normandie / Direction Fouad Boussouf, as part of the Accueil-Studio scheme – La Commanderie – Mission Danse de Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines
Support from ADAMI – The Festival Crater Surface in Alès has received support from SACD (Société des Auteurs et Compositeurs Dramatiques) and ONDA (Office national de diffusion artistique) as part of their TRIO(S) programme.
Jann Gallois | Cie Burnout also receives support from the DRAC Île-de-France – Ministère de la Culture as part of the agreement, from the Région Île-de-France as part of the permanent artistic and cultural programme, and from the Fondation BNP PARIBAS.